Cultivar Registrations in CPN

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
Volume 10, Number 4, December 1981, page 95


Drosera filiformis (California g.)
'California Sunset'

Originated by Joseph A. Mazrimas, Livermore, CA; received July 17, 1980. California grex resulted from crossing Drosera filiformis var. filiformis x Drosera filiformis var. tracyi . The cross was originally made in spring 1973 when the parents bloomed at the same time. about 50 flowers were pollinated. In resulting hybrids "leaves grow up to 0.5 m. long; tentacles are light red or deep pink in color. Flowers are large like v. tracyi, color is rose pink and they are borne on tall scapes. Outer margins of flowers are scalloped. The anther lobes are separate, and stamen filament is green. Hibernacula seem to be more hairy than v. tracyi and more like v. filiformis." 'California Sunset' is the only selection thus far from the cross and it possesses characteristics of the group as a whole. Known synonyms (invalid alternate names): Drosera x californica, Drosera 'Californica.' (January 5, 1981)

For background information on the creation of the above new names, readers may refer to Articles 18, 19, 26, and 27a of the ICNCP. Readers with new cultivars for publication in CPN are urged to submit them to the above address. Reference: Publication of New CP Cultivars, CPN ((l):20.

--- James T. Robinson • New London, CT • USA

Drosera filiformis (California g.) 'California Sunset'
Photo by J. A. Mazrimas

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