Personal Web Ring Sites

Site Owner         Site Name                 Description
Barry Rice The ICPS Carnivorous Plant FAQ An illustrated Frequently Asked Questions site featuring many questions answered, photographs, and fun!
Marrom Carnivorous plants - forum for fans of insectivorous plants such as dionaea, sarracenia, nepenthes, pinguicula...
Annuaire Carnivores Annuaire Carnivores Tout sur les plantes carnivores : cephalotus follicularis, dionées, droseras, heliamphoras, Sarracenias, pinguicula, nepenthes, utriculaires et non carnivores : orchidées, bonsaï et autres plantes
Siru Nepenthes Blogi A Finnish girl's carnivorous plant blog which deals with various species and genuses. Texts includes growing from seed, growing conditions and many photographs.
Joaquim Blay Detrell Qblay - Plantas Carnívoras Intrucciones de cultivo y tienda de CP
Terry Blackburn My Carnivorous Garden Read the story of a landscaping experiment, an attempt to introduce carnivorous plants into a suburban neighborhood. The entire project is being documented with lists, drawings, inventories, budgets and photographs.
Jerry Hartley Jerry's Carnivorous Plants My site includes,general plant care,links to cp forums,websites that sell cps and some pictures.I give full credit to pictures and information I use.
Esteban Mucilago trucos y información sobre plantas carnívoras
Aaron Carlson The Sarracenia Blog A blog chronicling my Sarracenia-growing endeavors.
cristiano perrucci & gabriella motta Nature's Jewels Tropical,Temperate and Cooled Terrarium Design, Australian CPs in the Wild photos, Natural habitats.
Vincent Roussaly Plantes Carnivores: les informations essentielles pour débuter A French site with all that you must know to start with carnivorous plants: where to find them, the material which you will need, the most frequent plants, how to cultivate them...
Reiner Martin - world of the killerplants My page is mostly in German (at the moment), but I'm also working on the English section. The German version includes detailed describtion and cultivation advice for about 100 species. There are more than 400 high resolution pictures of carnivorous plants. The English version includes a quite long article about cultivation of Roridula and Heliamphora.
Julien COUTHOUIS CarniWorld Growing tips, photos and bibliography about carnivorous plants. Conseils de culture, photos et Bibliographie sur les plantes carnivores
Trev Cox VFT SHOP A web site selling 30 different forms and cultivars of Dionaea muscipula - Venus fly Trap. Includes photographs of all the forms avaiable and a picture gallery of my personal collection of over a 100 different forms, cultivars and crosses.
Yaron Raz Yaron's Carnivorous Plants - Hebrew A hobbyist's blog in Hebrew, with guides and tips about growing carnivorous plants in Israel.


Sites were randomized at 15 July 2024 05:04:59 PM Pacific USA time. There were 139 hits since then.

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